Snuggly Bear

Snuggly Bear is very important in Room 10.
Snuggly Bear spends all week watching the wonderful children in our class.  He looks for one person each week who has made a huge effort to show the school values. 
Snuggly Bear is so proud of the person he has chosen that he goes home with them for the weekend.

Snuggly Bear has a special book that he takes away with him over the weekend.  Snuggly Bear loves to have adventures with his friends over the weekend.  The children are encouraged to take photos or draw pictures and write a wee story about what they did with Snuggly Bear.

Have a look at where Snuggly Bear has been already.

When he comes to your house you are welcome to write a story on our Blog about what you did with Snuggly Bear.

Term Four
Snuggle Bear went home with Lily in week 8 because she is such a hard worker and because she has been very brave and helpful to her family this week.

Snuggly Bear went home with Ollie in week 7 because Ollie is working very hard at reading time.

Week four Snuggly Bear went home with Jarod for the great progress he is making with reading.
Well done Jarod.

Week three Rachel was chosen this week for showing excellent listening manners and always doing her best at school. 

Week Two - Rory has taken Snuggly Bear home this week because he is a creative thinker and shows our St Albans Values every day

Week One - Lily has taken Snuggly Bear home because she always tries her best and takes pride in her work.  Lily is a super worker and an outstanding artist.

Term Three
Week 11 - Charlotte D For being so settled and wonderful at school and for always trying her best.

Week 10- Ethan for always doing his best and showing excellence in all areas of his school life.

Week Ten
Week Nine
Ava- for constantly achieving excellence in all areas of her learning.

Week Eight
Imogen - for making an excellent start to St Albans School and for showing the school values.

Week Seven
Max- for making a huge effort with writing and for consistently showing a positive attitude towards learning.  Kai Pai Max.

Week Six
Charlotte- for always working hard and being a respectful person in our class.  Charlotte, we love having  you at school.

Week Five
Che- for always doing his very best work, for learning lots of new things and for always being respectful.  Che, you are a star.

Week Four
Jarod- for showing excellence in all that he does at school and always trying his very best.  Great work Jarod.

Week Three
Tane- for working so well as part of a team- you show excellent cooperative skills Tane

Week Two
Josh - for always doing his best

Week One
Kai Ying - for showing excellence in all that she does at school

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