Tuesday 31 July 2012

We are Writers and Readers

The children in Room 10 are fantastic writers.
Have a look at the concentration and pride on the face of these children as they do their best....St Albans children strive for excellence and the Room 10 children are very good at showing this value.

We are also very good at reading.  Today some of the children in Room 10 had a turn at sitting on Mrs Pelham's chair and reading stories to the class.  We are fantastic readers and we can point to the words as we read.

I enjoyed listening to Kai Ying reading this story to herself too.....she didn't know I was watching for a while.  Isn't she great at using interesting words?

....video to follow due to a technical glitch!''

Olympic Torches

Today we had lots of fun talking about the Olympics.
We have all been watching the Olympics on the TV.  We have lots of favourite sports- but some of our favourite ones are swimming, horse riding, hockey and rowing.

Lots of us watched the Opening Ceremony on Saturday.  We noticed the Olympic Torch was passed around. 

Today we joined up with Room 8 and made our own Olympic Torches.  You can see them displayed in our classroom.  We think they look amazing.

We also had fun making our own Olympic Torches out of icecream cones, icecream and sprinkles!

Have a look at these super happy faces.

Happy Birthday Charlotte and Tane, Welcome to school Jarod

Today it is Charlotte and Tane's Birthday.  Happy Birthday friends.
Welcome to school Charlotte, Tane and Jarod.  We are so happy to have you here.

Monday 30 July 2012

To Our Friend Ava

Dear Ava "Come back soon, we miss you Ava because we always like you," said Kai Ying. "I want Ava to come back," said Josh. "Ava, we miss you at school," said Melad. "Ava, you have been very busy at home- well done for reading so many books. Can you bring your story about the Olympics to school so we can see it? We miss you Ava," said Mrs Pelham.

More Quality Work and Welcome to Room 10 Che

Today Che has started school.
We are so happy to have you in our class Che.

Today Kai Ying put her writing on the Quality Work table because she wrote a fantastic story and wrote the words she knows all by herself.  She sounded out the other words like a super star.

Melad took his Quality Work to Mrs Warren for a Principal's Award because he wrote a wonderful story and used some excellent language in it.

We are missing Ava at school today.  We can't wait for you to come back soon Ava.

Friday 27 July 2012

Olympic Mufti Day

Today we all dressed up in Olympic Clothes for our school FUN raising day.

We look very sporty and had lots of fun in our mufti clothing.

Here is a movie of us talking about what we are wearing.

Thursday 26 July 2012


Today we learned about the Olympic Rings.

We learned about the order of the colours and we even made our own Olympic rings.

We learned the rings are linked together to symbolise people from all over the world joining together to compete in the same event.
We thought it was like people joining hands.

The sports people are all different but they come together for the same reason- to do their best

We used some excellent thinking skills when we were thinking about the Olympics.

Tomorrow we are dressing up in Olympic Clothes, it will be a fun day.

This is a great song about the Olympics.  We liked the words and thought the video was fantastic.

Welcome to Tane and Max....and a Principal's Award for Kai Ying

Today Tane and Max visited our class.

They are fantastic learners.

Tane was so good at writing his writing went onto the Quality Work Table.  We are tickled pink with you Tane.

Kai Ying did amazing writing too- she took her writing to Mrs Warren and got a Principal's Award.

Room 10 are showing excellence in their work every day.
Kai Pai Room 10.

k k k kites are flying in the sky

Kites are flying in the sky
k k k
Kites are flying in the sky
k k k
Kites are flying in the sky

Today we learned about the letter k.  We know that c and k make the same sound.

We made our own kites.

Look at us flying them.

Wednesday 25 July 2012

School Photo Day and Te Ra

Today we had our school photo taken.
Rachel, Charlotte, Che and Ollie were at school for the photo too.
We all smiled beautifully and looked very grown up in our school uniform.

Rachel's Mum took these photos of us getting ready for our class photo.

Welcome to Che, Rachel and Ollie who will be starting school soon.
Have a look at how smart they look in their school uniform!

Rachel's Mum sent me this photo of Rachel as she was leaving school....do you think she had a good time at school?  Rachel, we can't wait for you to start school soon!

We have been learning about How Maui Slowed the Sun as part of Maori Language Week.  We learned that Te Ra is the Maori word for sun.  We watched some YouTube clips made by other children so we could learn the story of How Maui Slowed the Sun then we made our own Te Ra- have a look at it in our classroom.

We also listened to some of the story in Maori.
We liked the sound of the Maori voices.
Josh said, "it sounds like a song."

Tuesday 24 July 2012

Excellent Self Managing Learners

WOW!  One of my favourite things about teaching new entrants is the way they are so excited about their own learning.

Today while I was listening to other children read I noticed Charlotte and Ava being excellent self managing learners.  They had taken themselves away and were reading their reading books to each other.
I loved the way they had lovely things to say to each other about their reading- and their reading IS amazing- have a listen.

Kai Ying's reading was so fantastic today that she went to Mrs Warren to do her reading.  Kai Ying- you are a super star 

I am....

Today we read the story I am Running.

Then we went into the playground and we had a turn on the big playground.

We took photos and then came back to our classroom to write amazing stories about what we did in the playground.

We are learning to use our writer's eyes.  This means we need to make sure our words and our picture match- do you think we did a good job of this?
Here is a photo of us with our writer's eyes.

Have a look at us in these photos and read our great stories.

I am Charlotte.
I am climbing.

I am Melad.
I am climbing.

I am Ava.
I am climbing on the bars.

I am Kai Ying. 
I am sliding.

I am Josh.
I am climbing on the ladder.

Monday 23 July 2012

Folk Dancing

The Year One children all went to the hall today to do some folk dancing.

We had a lot of fun together and learned a new dance.

Maths Fun

Today we went outside to do our maths.

We wrote numbers and drew sets.

We even played number tag and had to jump on the numbers!

Popcorn Picnic

Today our letter is p.
We worked as a team to make some delicious popcorn.

First we put the popcorn seeds into the popcorn maker.
Ava turned the popcorn maker on.

We watched the popcorn pop, it smelled super yummy.

We wrote a page of describing words about the popcorn,

Finally we got to have a popcorn picnic.

It was a lot of fun.

Fish and Chip Friday Writing

Today we wrote stories about Fish and Chip Day.
We are really good at writing I am all by ourselves.
We read our stories and made movie- have a look at how clever we are.

Ava and Josh did such fantastic writing it went on the Quality Work table and they took their work to Mrs Warren for a Principal's Award- WOW!
Well done Josh and Ava.

Friday 20 July 2012

Ignition Day- Fish and Chips for lunch!

Today we had our Ignition Day to kick off our Inquiry Topic- Knowing Me, Knowing You
We had fish and chips, tomato sauce, L and P and pavlova with cream and kiwi fruit.  It tasted delicious and was so much fun.
Thanks so much to all the wonderful parents who helped to make it a fun day for us.

Making Playdough with Room 8

Today our friends from Room 8 came to our class.

We went to the library for the first time.....we are excited to have books to take home and share with our family.  We will bring them back to school next week on Friday so we can choose a new book.

We made playdough together.
First we put some flour and salt and some cream of tartar and some hot water into a bowl.
Then we mixed it for a long time.
After that we played with the playdough in our hands.

"It felt squashy," said Sven and Amelia.
"I thought it felt so hot," said Cillian.
"It was like playdough," said Josh.
"I thought it was so hard to make playdough," said Dante.
"We made the playdough into a ball," said Kai Ying.
"It was hard mixing," said Eve.
"It was really steamy," said Cooper.
"The playdough was lovely to play with and we loved making it," said Riley.
"It was so squashy and rolly," said Elizabeth.